September 2002 - Issue 16

Welcome Back!

It's September and a fresh start! What have your creative pursuits been this summer? Are you a person who creates all summer long, or do you find the demands of family and visitors take all your summer hours? Or are you a person who just likes to kick back and enjoy those lazy hazy days?

This summer I've actually accomplished more than I expected. Perhaps it was the need to get caught up after the broken ankle slowdown, or perhaps my tasks are a bit more defined these days, or possibly even the fear of being totally swamped in the fall. I hired an assistant to help me out during my casted days and I think it's the best thing I have done in ages. Leslie is a needle arts person but is really enjoying learning about paper arts and is very careful in her work. She keeps me organized and focused - and that's a really good thing. Leslie gets to do the fun things, like hinges and tearing down signatures, as well as some cutting and gluing. Well, what can I say? It's bookbinding!

Over the summer there have been some additions on the website. There is now an acrylic mounts page with information about acrylic blocks designed to go with Quietfire rubber stamps.
The Stamping Gallery is filling up nicely.
The Stamping Gallery features artwork by subscribers who have used Quietfire Stamps! I'd be delighted to have you send in samples of your artwork for inclusions on this page. Check it out, there are already some fabulous submissions and they aren't even all mine!!
There are Coptic bound book additions to the Journals Handbound Books page and samples of the lettering I have done for Belle Papier on the Calligraphic Art page.

We have some new colours of waxed linen threads - click here or scroll down this column to see what they are!

I'm starting to think I should put a table of contents in this newsletter, but that's just a tad toooooo organized. Make sure you read right to the bottom of this issue, there's some real eye candy there!

You will also find a bit of a technological update. Previously when you clicked a link that took you out of this site you would have to use your back browser to return. Well, I've discovered how to make that link open up another browser window! I hope that helps with your navigations.

For those of you who will be at Artwerx (Sept. 13-15, see below, other column)- send me an email and let me know!
If anyone would like to pre-order any rubber stamps or handbound books, I'll be happy to deliver them to the event! The same goes for any brass corners, linen thread or sewing cradles. Just let me know ahead of time!

My acrylic friend, Susan (she's not really made of acrylic!), will also be taking pre-orders. To see her line and pricing and to contact her, click here.

For those of you who were asking, Susan and I decided not to get a vendor table at Artwerx, as we would have to "man" it during class hours, and we're really looking forward to having the full learning experience!

I hope you enjoy this issue of byhand!

Changes to Quietfire Rubber Stamp Line

Over the summer we changed our stamps and I think you'll be very pleased with them. The Gothic border now has more letters in it's alphabet! Create without Limits and Dream with your Eyes Wide Open are slightly smaller. We have plans to offer sheets of rubber in the near future, too. Anything you'd like to see? - let us know!

If you'd like a copy of our little brochure including order form, send a SASE to

Suzanne Cannon
Rubber Stamp Brochure

P.O. Box 1231,
Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1

American friends, please don't attach the stamps - thanks!

See the new page featuring acrylic blocks designed to go with the Quietfire Rubber!

Click here to see current offerings of Quietfire Rubber Stamps!

July/August Challenge

I had lots of people email to tell me how much fun they were having with their doodle challenge! You guys are so cute! If you're a new subscriber and you don't know what I'm talking about click here for a complete description.

You may see the submissions on the
Subscriber's Gallery Page.
What wonderful variety! I've heard them say that you have 3 seconds to catch someone's attention. I hope you spend more than 3 seconds on each of these.

I had lots of emails saying you'd printed out the grid or had done some of it, but didn't get it all done. I'll be happy to post them on the Subscriber's Gallery page when you send them. The first 5 submissions postmarked after August 15 were:

Joan Byers
Lorna Long
Eileen London
Patti Sandham
Lynn Paus

They will receive little rewards for their work and timing!

Now, I had a couple of over-enthusiastic players who mailed in their doodles too early.... and they, too, shall be rewarded for their enthusiasm.

Thanks to all of you who sent in your Doodles.
Check back again as I will post the Doodles as they arrive.


Important links at your fingertips!

Back Issues of byhand
Quietfire Rubber Stamps
Acrylic Blocks for Rubber Stamps
Stamping Gallery
Subscriber's Gallery Page
Class Photos page
Links Page
Quietfire Design

How to subscribe and other stuff!

If you wish to contact me, my email address is:

To subscribe: send me an email saying 'subscribe'!
To unsubscribe: send me an email saying 'unsubscribe'. I'll live....
To change your email address: send me an email with both your new and old address. Thanks!

Please feel free to browse through my website
Quietfire Design.
There is now a link from my website to this newsletter, but I suggest that you bookmark the
index page of this newsletter ,
so you can return here at any time.

Site Siting

Those of you in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island are bound to know about Paper-Ya, a wonderful paper and gift store on Granville Island. Well, now they have their own website. Check it out at

Books to Inspire

Over the summer I did my fair share of trashy reading - love those murder mysteries - James Patterson, Janet Evanovich and at the other end of the spectrum Kathy Reichs.
One of the books I picked up was Everyday Sacred by Sue Bender. This book had been recommended on one or the other of the yahoo groups I belong to, so I decided to request her books from the library.
I expected something with this title to be pointing out to me all those little things I should be looking for in everyday life, rather like I might find in someone's gratitude journal. Well, it wasn't like that at all. I loved this book, although I can't pin down what it was about, or why I liked it! Was it because it was double-spaced? Was it because it was a series of short essays, that due to short attention span(!), I could read easily?

Each short essay could be read very quickly and superficially. But I found myself realizing that there was a much deeper message in almost every page. You really need to own this book if you like her work. I know I will be able to pick it up another time and mine new meanings from passages that I didn't "get" the first time around. I filled two pages of my journal with thoughts and quotes that came out of this book.

If you've read Everyday Sacred, let me know what you thought of it!

Studio Tips

Lizard shares a tip she's transferred to bookbinding practice after years of creating teddy bears!:

Use pliers to pull stubborn needles through your books!

Many of you know that I carry rubber fingers (the kind the tellers use when they count money) with me to classes and use them all the time at home. This has become more difficult lately, as my cat has decided he likes to play with rubber fingers and will tramp all over all my art supplies to find them... Suddenly pliers seems like a great alternative...

I'd be delighted to receive your favourite tips for inclusion here - we can all learn from them and probably save someone - like me - frustrations!


Gentle Thoughts



This was a little book I made several years ago. It was my first attempt using pastels and Conte crayons for something. I think you can probably guess that the authors of this book were my two boys.


Calligraphy, Chemistry and Canadian History

Well, I ask you, how can you go wrong with a title like that?

Photo by the Canadian Conservation Institute

Recently a publication came across our doorstep, the ACCN, published by the Chemical Institute of Canada, of which I used (in another life) to be a member. (It's my husband that receives it now!) Well, my interests have changed (no kidding) and I usually pay no attention to it when it arrives. But this time, well, I carried it around for days worrying that it would get lost in the shuffle before I read it.... It had a manuscript on the cover! The manuscript was the charter to the Company of Adventurers of England - which later became the Hudson's Bay Company - and was dated May 2, 1670. If you are Canadian, you will be well acquainted with the company, and will have likely shopped there at some time in your life. It is a department store with deep roots in Canadian History.

In 1996, the Hudson's Bay company requested a multidisciplinary project to study and analyse the manuscript as a baseline from which future analyses could be compared. The analyses had to be non-interventive, requiring no sample or just microscopic amounts. They examined inks, binders, pastes, fibres and coatings. Some of the findings were quite interesting - I especially liked that the wax seal had pins inside it!
The pages are large, 75 x 55 cm (about 31" x 23"), made of parchment (sheep skin) and the Great Seal is bound by a cord to all five pages. The inks and paints used are consistent with those that would have been used at the time: cinnabar/vermilion, carbon black and iron gall. There was no mention of the talented scribe who penned the manuscript in this article! At one point over the last 40 years, someone had treated the parchment to a coating of PVA, probably in an attempt to prevent further loss of ink. Ultimately it seems to have darkened the parchment.

Some of the analytical methods used were:

  • Fourier transform IR microspectroscopy
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy
  • HPLC
  • UV spectroscopy
  • Laser Scanner for high-definition digital topography
  • and a bunch of other specialised stuff!

The Hudson's Bay Charter now resides in the company's head office in Toronto, Ontario in a hermetic, low oxygen glass display case.

ACCN Canadian Chemical News July-August 2002 Volume 54, No. 7.  Article by Gregory S. Young, PhD. Canadian Conservation Institute.

Alphabet Tag Swap II

The July/August issue of byhand saw the last of the original round of alphabet tags. A smaller group of us decided that we would like to finish the alphabet, so I assigned the last few letters and we were off to creating! If you're interested the background of this swap click here to read what we did!

Christiane Lenz
I had fun with the tags, although the letter "X" wasn't easy to work with until I rediscovered my book called "A Treasury of Art Nouveau Alphabets" by Dover Publications. This book was filled with interesting decorated letters. I noticed that in some of the designs the letter "X" was symmetrical which made it a great image transfer application. No need to go and have the design reversed, a feature which most photocopiers (suitable for image transfer) do not have. After I transferred my image with a "Chart pak Blender marker" (available at Opus), I masked off the letter and using a set of rubberstamp pads created the background. There are not very many "X" words so you would think my choices were limited. A friend suggested Xanadu from the poem by Coleridge called Kubla Khan...I liked it. I decided on a collage for the other side. I created the background with a brayer and SpeedBall printing ink and added bits of decorative paper. The word Xanadu is written with FW ink using a technique called color blending. You write with one color and drop other colors in the lettering while it is still wet.


Fall Challenge - The Next Swap!

calling all creatively-minded people!

It's time for another swap challenge. Here's how to play!

What I would like to propose is a Seasons Swap on tags. The first thing you will have to do is email me and sign up! I will assign you a season and you will decorate shipping tags - all the same decoration and as many as there are people in the swap and send them to me with a SASE. I will swap all the tags out and send them back to you. How many you have to make depends on the number of players. I promise I won't have you make too many! Seeing there are only 4 official seasons, you will almost certainly get someone else doing the same season as you - but that's half the fun!

Please sign up by Sept. 15,
but the tags won't be due to me until October 30.

I will send out more information to the swapees soon. Let me know if you're a newbie at this! As usual, I'll be crushed if nobody signs up.......

For those who have never participated in a swap here's what happens.
Someone proposes and hosts (that's me) the swap. You send in, say 5 pieces of your artwork, and you receive 5 back from different people, their personal interpretation of the swap theme.
  Now the biggest swap I have ever participated in was 35 people. That's a lot of copies! But, boy, I got some fantastic stuff back. Decoration and art like I never would have thought of. It's a wonderful, wonderful way to acquire inspiration, be creative and have some fun! Not to mention getting to know some other really talented artists...


The Flat Salon Sister's World Tour 2002 - Part I

Many of you either know about or have met my
Flat Salon Sisters.

If not, let me give you some background. This is a round robin devised by the women of Belle Papier, which is an online group that I have the pleasure of belonging to and have talked about many times before in this newsletter. This round robin was irresistible! It came about during online posts on the theme of "wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all get together somewhere?". The subject of Flat Stanley came up at the same time. (If you're not familiar with the book Flat Stanley, you can read the short write up in the next column.) And you can see where a group of fertile imaginations could take this....

We were divided up into groups as so many people had signed up for the event. Flat Suzanne was going to be traveling all across the States. What would she wear??? The hardest part was making Suzanne flat... Kelley, my first visitor, had planned to use a rolling pin to make herself flat. Myself, I was headed for some road construction - they have *real* rollers there.... Flat Suzanne left in February on her big trip, with only her clothes and journal. Her first hostess, Leslie in Colorado, was very kind and bought her a camera. Flat Suzanne was very slow arriving in Colorado and it turns out she took a detour to Salt Lake City... but more about that next month.

I'd like to introduce you to the Flat Salon Sisters in my group!


Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown is a children's book about a small boy whose bulletin board falls on him. Suddenly, he is flat. His brother thinks this is fun as he can use Stanley as a kite. And Stanley rather likes it because he can slip under doors without opening them. But the best part is that he can visit his friend who has moved away, because his parents can put him in an envelope and mail him!

And thus was born the Flat Salon Sister Tour....


Note how careful one must be in the typing of the word Flat. One small slip and my Salon Sisters would be the opposite of Flat...


If you take a tour through the Class Photos section of this website, you will see several Salon Sister's faces peaking out as they pose with workshop participants!



This is Flat Kelley from Jacksonville, Florida and was the first to arrive. Kelley was also the organizer of this epic event!

Please meet Flat Linda!
She is from Tucson, Arizona

Don't you think she's a bit young to be traveling alone??

Here is Flat Heidi.
Heidi is from St. Louis, MO

Heidi arrived in this fabulous box with beading all around the outer edge. Her journal is a tiny book wrapped around her middle.

Here is Flat Merry B!
Merry is from North Platte, Nebraska.

After this photo was taken, Merry B. and I went to visit a local plastic surgeon to have a face lift (guess her's was sort of squashed in transit). She looked so much better after Dr. Miel -such a honey- backed her head with the top of a honey container...

Meet Flat Ar!
Flat Ar is from Ft. Myers, Florida

And yes, Flat AR was just a head, appearing similar to a plant poke (although I NEVER did that to her...). She was visiting during my, er, slow time.


Welcome to Flat Leslie! from Colorado.

As I write this she is resting on my table sorting all the photos of my Flat Salon Sisters. She arrived with Flat me, and has been traveling with Flat me for a while now. This photo was taken by Fluffy Kelley in Florida, as I haven't had a chance to take any of Flat Leslie yet.

Fluffy Leslie has an amazing report of what sidetracked Flat Suzanne on her way to her place... more about that next month....


And here is Flat Suzanne from Port Alberni, B.C. Canada, in a photo taken by Fluffy Kelley, ready for the beach - but a tad overdressed - hey, it was February when I left!

For your information, here is a press release from the Calligraphy Guild of Columbus, Ohio....

Beginning September 1st, 2002, registration to

the 23rd International Calligraphy Conference

sponsored by the Calligraphy Guild of Columbus, in Ohio, opens to the general public. A $100 deposit will secure your spot at the first international conference to be held in Ohio. The sooner you register the better your registration number, allowing you greater latitude in your class choices. Numbers will be assigned by postmarks, fax dates and e-mail dates. Send us your Name, Address, Phone, Fax # & Email Address along with your $100 deposit to: Celebration, P.O. Box 26926, Columbus, Ohio 43226 or Fax it to 614-882-3129. We are set up to accept deposits in the form of a check made out to ‘Celebration’ or by supplying us your Visa, Master Card, Discover or American Express number, name as it appears on the card and expiration date. For charge card holders, each month, beginning in October, we can, with your one time permission, charge your card on a monthly basis, with $100 charges. We anticipate the cost to be in line with the most recent conferences, at $899.

logo designed by Mike Gold of American Greetings in Cleveland, Ohio

Waxed Linen Thread

Prices: It is $0.50/yard Cdn ($0.30/yard U.S. funds) plus $2 for postage and handling .

Please make your cheque payable to Suzanne Cannon. Please email me before to check for availability.
Quietfire Design, Box 1231, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1 Canada  Thanks!

Here is a list of the colours I currently have in stock:

walnut brown black
olive drab maroon
dark forest green rust
Victorian rose plum
navy blue sage

New Colours!!

royal blue slate grey butterscotch
dark emerald dark chocolate

For those of you who have taken the Coptic Stitched Class, it takes two yards of thread to complete the book as we made it.

For those of you who have taken the Criss Cross Coptic, you will require five yards per book.


I have put together some sewing cradles for sale as some of you have been asking for them. They are not things of great beauty, but really, really handy for when you have a lot of holes to pierce. They are large enough for an 8.5" spine length and are $20Cdn (or $15US - to the States) shipping included. Email me if you can't live without one! I will try to bring these to classes so you can see them in person!

Brass Corners
As well as the waxed linen, I now have some brass corners (the 3rd one down is Nickel or silver coloured) which are 50 cents Canadian (or U$0.35) each. They fit nicely on a bookboard of about 2.25mm (or 0.09") thickness covered with decorative paper. Email me if you are interested - I don't think shipping will be too much, but that depends on the quantity!

Don't Forget!

will run September 13-15, 2002, in Richmond, B.C., featuring artists like Nina Bagley, Karen Michel, Claudine Hellmuth and Mary Jo McGraw just to name a few. Registration is continuing.
For more information about ARTwerx, click on the logo above to go to their website.

I'd just like to say that if you're an American subscriber, the exchange with the Canadian dollar makes this a very worthwhile event!

brace yourselves...

History Lesson

Here is the fourth installment of the information panels from my exhibition, Lines of Evolution....



Versals were traditionally used as a capital at the beginning of a verse or passage. They were used for many centuries and took on many different forms, only some using Roman proportions. They were often decorated.

Modern versals, which have become very popular among contemporary scribes, are sometimes made very formally or they can take on a much more relaxed style.

Versals are pen drawn as an outline, then flooded with ink.

Teaching Schedule
Fall 2002

To get more details about registration, please go to my website Calendar of Events page. Use the back button on your browser to return here.

And yes, can you believe it, I'm already booked into January 2003! Here is the tentative schedule!

Oct. 5 Victoria   tba
Paperworks Gallery-  to register: 250-652-4485
Oct. 19 Burnaby, B.C.  Criss-Cross Coptic Burnaby Community Education
Oct. 20 Surrey, B.C. Artist's Journal Private Class
Oct. 26 Port Alberni, B.C. Artist's Journal Port Alberni Parks and Recreation
Nov. 2 Port Alberni, B.C. Artisan's Craft Fair  
Nov. 8, 9,10 Port Alberni, B.C. Work of Heart Craft Fair  
Nov. 8, 9,10  Port Alberni, B.C. Giant Craft Fair  
Nov. 15,16 Duncan, B.C. Christmas Chaos Craft Fair  
Nov. 23  Burnaby  Exquisite Heritage Album Burnaby Community Education
Nov. 24  Surrey, B.C. Charmers II  Private Class
Jan 25,26, 2003 Edmonton, AB Artist's Journal Edmonton Calligraphy Society


Canvas Covers
by Patti Sandham

I have had this idea for a while and finally got it together to try it out. I am thrilled with how it came out. I made an Over and Under the Covers book with canvas for a cover. It has no pockets in the cover as the sheets are only 8 1/2 x 11" . I purchased canvas in the 8 1/2 x 11" sheets from London Drugs (I am sure you can buy them any place you can buy paper for your printer) that has been specially treated to accept inkjet printer ink. I picked out one of my favorite photos altered it in Photoshop with the watercolour effect added the few words and printed it out. After cutting it to size, I painted the edges with purple Lumiere paint and used purple and green embroidery thread to stitch it together adding the bee and the beads as I went. I am going to look into treating the canvas to protect it.

Suzanne's note: I've seen this book in real life and it's wonderful! I think the hardest part is deciding what picture or photograph to print on it! Thanks, Patti, for this great idea and sample.

If there is any information you would like to see in this newsletter, let me know. Each month I will email you to let you know the new issue is published. If you know someone who would like to receive notice of byhand, just have them email me and I will put them on the list. Bye for now and thanks for visiting!
(250) 723-0321 Quietfire Design

The original title lettering of byhand was done with a Mitchell's Roundhand Nib, size 0, and Higgins Eternal Ink. Quietfire Design Rubber stamps were used to create the other designs.


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© 2002 Suzanne Cannon
This newsletter is for the personal use of the subscriber and may not be reproduced without written permission from Suzanne. You are welcome to email or print it in it's entirety to share with friends, but ask that you include this copyright. Thank you for your help and your understanding.