July/August 2002 - Issue 15

Welcome to all the new subscribers!

Happy Summertime, everybody!

You may notice that I am taking a wee break over the summer and combining the July and August newsletters. I always underestimate how much time parenting takes over the summer and never get as much accomplished as I expect... I think I may need a lot of time this summer for physiotherapy, too!


On June 1st and 2nd, I was in Vancouver teaching the Westcoast Calligraphy Society. On the Saturday, I had a truly happy crowd bent on adding Funk to their Foundational. We spent the morning warming up with classic Foundational, then had some fun with it. We topped off the afternoon with creating a small accordion book filled with Funky Foundational!  To see photos of these cheery calligraphers and their cool little books, click here to go to the class photos page.

On the Sunday, a smaller, but no less enthusiastic group assembled to do the Artist's Journal. Lots of sharing made this day a real treat!

Kasandra shared one of these extremely delicate Chinese cutouts with everyone in the class. They are lighter than tissue and are gorgeously coloured. Thanks Kasandra!

Again, you can see the photos for this workshop on the Class Photos page - check out the sanded magazine pages - fabulous!

Many thanks to suzy_q for hosting me - she always has lots of Diet Coke and Popcorn to make me feel like I'm at a party and not there to work! And thanks to Trevor for arranging the weekend!

Click here to see current offerings of Quietfire Rubber Stamps!

Here is a new stamp for July!

I have made a couple of additions to this website. There is now a Links page which still needs to be plumped out... and I have added a
Stamping Gallery Page,
which will feature artwork by subscribers who have used Quietfire Stamps! I'd love you have you send me scans or copies of your cards, tags or significant others on which you have used our stamps!

Check it out, there are already some fabulous submissions and they aren't even all mine!!

I hope you're all enjoying your summer days. You may be using your time to get caught up with things, busy playing with family or you might actually have time to make art!

In that event I have a
July/August Challenge
for you! And even if you're totally strapped for time, this one won't take long - mind you it could get displaced over the course of the time we're playing...

If you click here, you will go to the Challenge page.
Print it out. It is a grid in which, each day you will do a tiny doodle in a square. Now, I'm not going to hold you to just doodles. Tiny collages, tiny paintings, magazine pictures glued in, or even fingerprints from the garden dirt will do! Don't feel you have to do it every day over the summer (there are only 30 squares) and don't feel you have to do them in order. No pressure here!

Don't forget if you print the grid out with an inkjet printer and you get the page wet, the grid will run! Perhaps a photocopy of the grid will prevent unexpected accidents.

When you're finished, copy and send it to me and I will display them in the Subscriber's Gallery.

Suzanne Cannon
P.O. Box 1231,
Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1

H a v e  F u n !

P.S. Just to give a little incentive there will be a little reward for the first 5 submissions postmarked after August 15! - you need 30 days to fill in the 30 blocks...


Welcome to issue 15 of byhand! If you wish to check
back issues of byhand click here

If you wish to contact me, my email address is: suzanne@quietfiredesign.com

To subscribe: send me an email saying 'subscribe'!
To unsubscribe: send me an email saying 'unsubscribe'. I'll live....
To change your email address: send me an email with both your new and old address. Thanks!

Please feel free to browse through my website
Quietfire Design.
There is now a link from my website to this newsletter, but I suggest that you bookmark the
index page of this newsletter ,
so you can return here at any time.

Important links at your fingertips!

Quietfire Rubber Stamps
Stamping Gallery
Subscriber's Gallery Page
Class Photos page
Links Page
Quietfire Design

Thanks so much to all you wonderful people who were so kind to send me cards and e-cards and greetings over the last month when I was layed up with the broken ankle.
I couldn't believe how much it slowed me down! I think I slept most of the first two weeks....
As I write this, I still have the cast on, but it's getting easier to cope. The thing I miss most is my morning shower. Lying in a tub, controlling the water with your toes and having one leg flopped outside just isn't right!

Go ahead, try it just for fun! Now try to get out.... :-)

Thanks again for thinking of me!

Site Siting

Some information that I have been meaning to share with you for some time is about the artist Robert Genn. His website is the Painter's Keys. Twice a week Robert sends out a short letter that is really well written. This is the information from his home page and I can't say it better!:

Creative people worldwide appreciate the level of informed inspiration and information provided by this letter. It arrives in your inbox every Tuesday and Friday morning, and it’s free. Nothing to buy. Your name or email address will not be used for any unpleasant purpose. You will not be put on any lists. You’ll probably find something of value right away in your first letter. If you don’t, just delete. You can unsubscribe at any time. To find out what you can expect from the twice-weekly letters and other free benefits for artists, please take a look at our welcome letter for new subscribers: Welcome letter

He always includes an interesting quote or two, sometimes some technical advice - it's always a short pleasant break from the day.

Gentle Thoughts

Recently I was contacted to do some artwork for a new zine, Capricorn Gypsies. The creators, Mary and Sandra, chose the theme of travel and friendship for their new venture. Here is the digital collage that I did for them. Thanks to Nancy Q for the quote! I wish Mary and Sandra all the best with their new endeavour. They are both wonderfully talented so their "baby" is sure to be a keeper! Here is a bit more information about Capricorn Gypsies:

The Capricorn Gypsies is an art/travel/correspondence zine featuring two fictional characters, Shandlynne and Gessine and their letter exchanges, along with articles on and samples of different styles of art along a theme. Each issue also has instructions for one or two art projects, as well as "creative challenges" where readers can submit their art for possible future publication. The first issue focuses on collage; future themes include nature sketchbooks and Asian-influenced art. For ordering information go to http://home.att.net/~emelge

Alphabet Tag Swap

And lastly, in the current round of this swap, is the tag I did and my friend Susan's tag. If you're interested the background of this swap click here to read what we did!


Susan Ewart

My inspiration came at the last minute as usual. I liked the cave man stamp I carved for my Christmas card so I thought iceman...ICE. Blue came to mind like the variety of blues in glacier ice. On the tag I used acrylics with iridescent medium added and thinned with water. I put 3 colors on letting the colors dry between each other. I used some kind of texture on each layer, sponging, saran wrap, and bubble wrap. I dabbed some gold on with a sponge and stamped a blue snowflake (also hand carved stamp). On mulberry paper I lightly sponged some acrylic blue(s) and printed the "Ice"man with black block printing. The back of the tag was done at clean up time. I took a credit card and scooped up the remaining colors and smeared it on the back. I added the word ICE in gestural lettering and highlighted with Dr. Martin's non bleed-proof white. I really enjoyed this project as I actually completed something!!! It's funny how it turned out nothing like what I saw in my mind. It was a learning experience to go through and solve problems when things didn't work out. Best of all is receiving all the other artists' tags, eye candy for sure!!! You artists are great!!!




Suzanne Cannon

I worked on many designs and themes before I settled on the Ancestors theme. I wanted the tag to look old, so I soaked it in water and crumpled it up. Tags don't like that treatment....! When dry, I brushed on some acrylic glazes and allowed those to dry. Next was the copy transfer of my Grandfather's photo, followed by lettering Ancestors. The little tags were crumpled the same way as the big ones. My Grandmother was a colour printout glued on. The A is a rubber stamp. I took a small piece of copper and embossed my grandparents surname and punched a hole in it then tied all the pieces together with a piece of waxed linen thread, embellished with a button from my Grandmother's button basket. The quote on the back was lettered, scanned in, printed on unryu, torn and glued on the back of the tag. It is the Thomas Hardy quote:

I am the family face
Flesh perishes
I live on
Projecting trait and trace
From time to times anon.

Studio Tips

I just had to include this cool idea from Susan in Ucluelet (pronounced you-clue-let!). I makes me wonder why I teach bookbinding at all!!! Thanks for sharing, Susan!

Hi, guys....okay, this is a cheat, but it works. I needed -- quickly -- a little notebook to pop into my handbag, very thin, quite small. The obvious solution was to make one, but I was in this tearing rush & didn't want to take the time to make the cover & wait for glue to dry & so on. So I grabbed a pretty note card & 4 pieces of co-ordinating stationery from my stash, cut the stationery slightly smaller than the opened card, folded them in half to make a nested signature of 8 sheets (16 pages), slipped them inside the note, punched 5 holes with a big embroidery needle & sewed the whole thing together w/ colour-co-ordinated embroidery floss using a running stitch, and voila -- instant mini-book. It's absolutely gorgeous, is the perfect size I wanted & took about 10 minutes (5 of those spent trying to thread the needle ). It feels like I'm cheating because I spent no time working on making a cover from scratch, but I have to say I was so pleased w/ the result I may make more ...

Susan, hurriedly, from foggy Ucluelet

I'd be delighted to receive your favourite tips for inclusion here - we can all learn from them and probably save someone - like me - frustrations!


For those of you who have taken the Coptic Stitched Class, you may still acquire waxed linen thread from me. It is $0.50/yard Cdn ($0.30/yard U.S. funds plus $2 for postage).
If you send me a SASE* with your cheque (made out to me Suzanne Cannon) that makes life a lot easier for both of us! Please email me before to check for availability. Thanks!

Here is a list of the colours I currently have in stock:

walnut brown black
olive drab maroon
dark forest green rust
Victorian rose plum
navy blue sage

It takes two yards of thread to complete the book as we made it.

* 2 Canadian $.48 stamps to Quietfire Design, Box 1231, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M1 Canada

Don't Forget!

will run September 13-15, 2002, in Richmond, B.C., featuring artists like Nina Bagley, Karen Michel, Claudine Hellmuth and Mary Jo McGraw just to name a few. Registration is continuing.
For more information about ARTwerx, click on the logo above to go to the website.

I'd just like to say that if you're an American subscriber, the exchange with the Canadian dollar makes this a very worthwhile event!

I have put together some sewing cradles for sale as some of you have been asking for them. They are not things of great beauty, but really, really handy for when you have a lot of holes to pierce. They are large enough for an 8.5" spine length and are $20Cdn (or $15US - to the States) shipping included. Email me if you can't live without one! I will try to bring these to classes so you can see them in person!

As well as the waxed linen, I now have some brass corners (the 3rd one down is Nickel or silver coloured) which are 50 cents Canadian (or U$0.35) each. They fit nicely on a bookboard of about 1.0mm thickness covered with decorative paper. Email me if you are interested - I don't think shipping will be too much, but that depends on the quantity!

brace yourselves...

History Lesson

Here is the third installment of the information panels from my exhibition....

Carolingian & The Foundational Hand

Ramsey Psalter 10th century A.D.

On the tail of the Arts and Crafts movement, in the early 20th century, Edward Johnston almost single-handedly revived the craft of calligraphy with the publication of his book Writing & Illuminating & Lettering, which is still in print. At that time, one could walk into the British Library and browse through ancient manuscripts, and that is exactly what Johnston did. He came upon the Ramsey Psalter, written at Winchester in the 10th century, and upon much study and some modernizing decided it would be a perfect letterform to give his beginning students. Thus the Foundational Hand was born.

Technically, the hand is considered Carolingian and can be found referred to as Roundhand, Roman Minuscule or English Caroline Minuscule. It developed during the reign of Charlemagne during the 8th century and gave way to the Gothic hands in the 12th century. It is extremely round in shape and was written at 2-3 pen widths with a 30 degree pen angle. It is an excellent book hand, useful for its legibility.

Historically, we now see the full separation of minuscules and majuscules.

(Majuscules are the capitals and minuscules are the little letters)

Teaching Schedule
Spring, Summer & Fall!

To get more details go to my website Calendar of Events page. Use the back button on your browser to return here.

July 13   Victoria   Criss-Cross Coptic   Paperworks Gallery, Victoria   
               to register: 250-652-4485       rose.davidson@shaw.ca

And yes, can you believe it, I'm already booked into January 2003! Here is the tentative schedule! (This is not on the Calendar page of the website yet.)

Oct 6  Tentative Instant Letters  
Oct 19 Burnaby, B.C.  Criss-Cross Coptic Burnaby Community Education
Oct 20 Surrey, B.C. Artist's Journal Private Class
Oct 26 Port Alberni, B.C. Artist's Journal Port Alberni Parks and Recreation
Nov 2 Port Alberni, B.C. Artisan's Craft Fair  
Nov 8, 9,10 Port Alberni, B.C. Work of Heart Craft Fair  
Nov 8, 9,10  Port Alberni, B.C. Giant Craft Fair  
Nov 15,16 Duncan, B.C. Christmas Chaos Craft Fair  
Nov 23  Burnaby  Exquisite Heritage Album Burnaby Community Education
Nov 24  Surrey, B.C. Charmers II  Private Class
Jan 25,26, 2003 Edmonton, AB Artist's Journal Edmonton Calligraphy Society


If there is any information you would like to see in this newsletter, let me know. Each month I will email you to let you know the new issue is published. If you know someone who would like to receive notice of byhand, just have them email me and I will put them on the list. Bye for now and thanks for visiting!

(250) 723-0321 Quietfire Design

The original title lettering of byhand was done with a Mitchell's Roundhand Nib, size 0, and Higgins Eternal Ink. Quietfire Design Rubber stamps were used to create the other designs.


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© 2002 Suzanne Cannon
This newsletter is for the personal use of the subscriber and may not be reproduced without written permission from Suzanne. You are welcome to email or print it in it's entirety to share with friends, but ask that you include this copyright. Thank you for your help and your understanding.