Storing scrolls in ancient Rome from A History of Reading by Canadian author Alberto Manguel.
October 2001 - Issue 6


If you're like me, the events of the last month have left you unsettled and it's difficult to create. I encourage you to use your creativity to help sort out your feelings. Try making a collage of images from newspapers and magazines and the mere act of cutting and pasting is sure to get you moving again.


Welcome to issue 6 of byhand! If you wish to check back issues of byhand click here.

If you would like to subscribe to byhand just click on the link and send me an email saying subscribe! If you wish to unsubscribe, just send me an email saying 'unsubscribe'. If you wish to change your email address, send me an email with both your new and old address. Thanks!

Once you have gone to my website, Quietfire Design, you will need to use your browser back button to return as there is no link from my website to here! Even better bookmark the byhand index page!


Since everyone's minds were on other things last month, I have decided to extend the deadline for the raffle to

October 15!

If you are new to this newletter, you should check back to last month's issue of byhand for more information. I am having a draw for a hand bound book. All you have to do is to send me a postcard - it may be hand decorated - or not. If you haven't already sent in your postcard - what's your excuse!!!???
I have received some great postcards - some hand decorated and some store bought. Thanks to everyone who has sent them in! Hope no one has been holding their breath - sorry - but stay tuned...

Next month I will share all the postcards that I receive, but I especially wanted to share this one that arrived just the other day. Marian cut up a photograph and collaged onto oriental lace paper, entitling her postcard New York Aftermath 2001, and wrote: "Thank you for the framework you unexpectedly provided for my grief."
Now, please don't feel that you have to use the recent tragedy as a focus for your artwork. I just thought this was very creative and timely.

Gentle Thoughts

This is a scan of a page which I have sent to an American artist who is compiling an anthology of journal pages and artwork reflecting the life-altering events which occurred on September 11, 2001.
(Sorry for the poor quality of the scan...)

I'd like to share a poem that was sent to me by Mary Eaglesham. She tells me she wrote this a very long time ago...
"...thinking of the way the horror slides into your consciousness with the early morning news or now, with your memory of the television news."

Radio Alarm in Damascus

out of the sudden
all of the blue
pierces my heart
and I am you


Walnut Ink

Last month I mentioned that the Rainforest piece was done with Walnut Ink and I've had some readers ask questions about it. Walnut ink is not made from walnuts, but rather is derived from peat. It comes as small granules which dissolve easily in water (distilled water is recommended), but must be made up about half an hour before it is used. It has great flow characteristics and is lightfast. The colour is lovely on its own, but I sometimes like adding a little bit of red watercolour to warm the walnut colour up. I mix it in a very concentrated form and store it in a airtight container, then I can take a bit and dilute to the concentration that I will be working with. Walnut ink can also be purchased as a ready made solution.

Walnut ink is available from Paper & Ink Arts and varies in price depending on how much you buy. The smallest amount from them is U$2.35 for one ounce... but I *know* you'll need more! Also, John Neal, Bookseller carries the liquid Walnut Ink (as well as a lot of other great stuff!). You'll be totally distracted once you check out both these websites and find lots of other fun stuff!


My fall schedule is up on my website on the calendar page. But here is the quick version:

Oct. 13   Burnaby, BC   Creative Bookbinding - there is still lots of room in this class... I think people's minds have been elsewhere lately....

Oct. 20   Courtenay, BC   Introduction to Calligraphy

Oct 3 - Nov 7  Port Alberni, BC   Beginning Calligraphy

Oct. 27   Port Alberni, BC  Instant Letters - Add Fun and Stir! 

Nov. 24   Burnaby, BC   Coptic Stitched Book.   Click on the name to read the class description. This is a new class. To see a sample of this book check out the raffle book in the last newsletter.
- see the usual Supply List for bookbinding classes plus bring: · A special photo or charm or ornament that you may wish to put on cover (some will be available in the class).

Nov. 25   Vancouver, BC  Charmers. Private Class

Bone folders will be available for purchase at class.

If you need more information, please feel free to email me

When I come to Vancouver I have traditionally taught in Burnaby on the Saturdays, and at Paper-Ya on the Sundays. As Paper-Ya is no longer offering classes, I am now available in the Vancouver area on Sundays and currently working with some keen souls setting up private group classes. If you have any requests, let me know.

Work of Heart Craft Fair 2001

For the past several years, I have been a participant in this craft fair, here in the Alberni Valley. It is a wonderful "home" show, that combines the talents of some very creative artists. The ladies go to great trouble to insure the atmosphere is perfect and a feast for the eyes. I challenge you to walk away without buying something! (What? Am I crazy, that's not a challenge I should be proposing!!!)
Should you be in the area, The Work of Heart is well worth a visit! Here is the information:

Wander back to our country barn and discover the old fashioned charm of hand-crafted gifts. You’ll be delighted by the wonderful collection of crafts by valley artists and artisans. From the quaint to the gourmet, you’ll find a timeless gift for the special people on your holiday list. Enjoy our home baked treats when your shopping is completed! The proceeds from our popular gift basket will be donated locally. Please come visit us:
Friday, November 9 5 - 9 p.m.
Saturday, November 10 9 - 4 p.m.
Sunday, November 11 12 - 3 p.m.

5722 Mersey Road, first right off Beaver Creek after Gill Schoo


On a lighter note,
I wanted to share this little piece by Lloydene Cook, an internet friend and amazing person, listmom for the Belle Papier yahoo group and publisher of the Belle Papier 'zine. (I can sure see myself in this article....!)

This piece is an adaptation of a similar piece about your "Writer-Self" which is in The Writer's Book of Days by Judy, I'm taking it a step further:
You can tell your Artist-Self is present when:

* You look forward to your art time and go eagerly to the art space you've created.
* You're not arting -- (doing something else)--but anticipatory or lingering thoughts of art come to you, prologues or epilogues to doing the work.
* You're creating,...time hour, two, three; you're hardly aware.
* You make plans for a holiday or retreat, a weekend getaway. It includes art in some way.
*You'd rather be with your art pals--doing art together, talking about art, --than with almost anyone else doing anything else.
* Before you drift off to sleep or just when you awaken -- first thought, last thought, is about your art.
* Your bookshelves sag with books by artists about art, interviews with artists, how-tos on art, Biographies and memoirs of artists.
*Among your many, many subscriptions are magazines that feature quality art, art 'zines, and trade publications about art & artists.
*Your Internet Bookmarks run into the dozens --all of them art sites.
* You create art every day (or as near to that as you can get). Your Artist-self may not always have priority in your life --there is, after all, falling in love, being with family, honoring the Sacred--but when she is present, pay attention. This voice comes from a true part of you.
- Adapted by LLoydene Cook

Thanks, Lloydene!

Studio Tips

When I started doing a lot of lettering, I got tired of switching my different nibs into my few holders. It didn't take long till I had as many holders as I had sizes of nibs. Later, I got tired of scratching through the pile to find the right size nib... One day I pulled out a chunk of 2 x 4 lumber and cut off a 12" piece. Then I drilled holes in one side of the 2x4, one hole for each size nib and holder. The nibs are arranged in descending size. I really like this system!

Here is another of my nasty little illustrations - sorry! The holes were drilled about 1 1/4" apart.

I have put together some sewing cradles for sale as some of you have been asking for them. They are not things of great beauty, but really, really handy for when you have a lot of holes to pierce. They are large enough for an 8.5" spine length and are $20Cdn (or $20US to the States) shipping included. Email me if you can't live without one! I will try to bring these to classes so you can see them in person!

Here is my nasty little illustration of one!

If there is any information you would like to see in this newsletter, let me know. Each month I will email you to let you know the new issue is published. If you know someone who would like to receive notice of byhand, just have them email me and I will put them on the list. Bye for now and thanks for visiting!

(250) 723-0321
Quietfire Design

The original title lettering of byhand was done with a Mitchell's Roundhand Nib, size 0, and Higgins Eternal Ink.


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© 2001 Suzanne Cannon
It is for the personal use of the subscriber and may not be reproduced without written permission from Suzanne. You are welcome to email or print it in it's entirety to share with friends, but we ask that you include this copyright. Thank you for your help and understanding.